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Location: Dublin, Republic of, Ireland

Friday 26 December 2008

December 26, 2008
Back in Dublin and hope to write more later after I've had myself a good rest. The bookshelves Des made me are terrific. I have a proper library in the living room now. I would like to pen my experiences of the book scenes in both Singapore and Malaysia especially with regards to consumer spending, the effect of book production value on book-buyers and the writing aspirations of local writers who write in English. I'd also like to pen some book reviews on literature I'm currently reading from these countries and to carry on with Middle-Eastern stories. I don't know what gives me the vibrant energy to do all the things I do but I'm thankful for the gift. I believe it stems from pure passion really and nothing else. This stays the root cause for my pursuit of knowledge and experience in these areas. - suzan abrams