For a long while, I simply waited in the wings and nothing happened. And then destiny did a roundabout turn without warning and suddenly, I regained without effort all that I had lost and more.
Now, I relish my contentment and my peace...I live in the moment and cherish every sliver of second on the hands of a clock. Sometimes like me, you have to taste a black darkness to see the sparkling light. Now when I think of my blessings, there are too many to count. The little ones grew into big ones, and the big ones then spread their wings.
Now I am simply thankful for my life and all in it. I see beauty in every cloud.
I am very happy but I work at my happiness every single moment. Yet, the spirit does this subconsciously through the appreciation of goodness that subtly crowd the realities of life.
If you are reading this at some point and you are passing through a crisis or darkness, I would say to you, don't give up. Hold on to your inner self with all your might and bliss will come to meet you when you least expect it on your road.
It may not happen at this very minute, tomorrow or next week but hold on and happiness will knock one day on your door, an overflowing bouquet of flowers in its hand and the shine of a sharp light on its face.
P.S: Back to books & writers tomorrow
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