

My Photo
Location: Dublin, Republic of, Ireland

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Hi everyone. Really wanted to come to you with a couple of stories today and also visit all the blogs of those who've visited me in the last few days - the old and the new (i have read & appreciated each of your comments) but unfortunately, I'm still ill. I don't know what's happened. I feel paraylsed in my spirit. It's just a severe case of the flu. I'm hardly ever ill. My real problem is gastric that hits me badly if I don't eat meals properly & I've been threatened with possible surgery for this. I've had gastric since I was 10 years old. But either then that...I'm hardly ever ill. So it's like as much as i can do at the moment, to just get through the day. I think I may need another 2 to 3 days to be ok but please know i will come to read you all. Just today is still very hard for me. Sorry.
