I feel like a broken doll

Image credit to Doll-Making Factory (free clip art)
I had my picture book manuscript, rejected by a specialist children's publisher in London who targetted a specific age group.
So feeling a broken doll myself at the moment. A bit sad.
She wrote to me just, on the email. And said that my manuscript was clearly for a higher age group, that I would have better luck if I tried a general/mainstream publisher.
I think I have another picture book manuscript out and one other thing in London, that I have to wait for. That should be anytime now. I'll tell you if it comes about.
Other than that, I haven't sent any of my writing out to anyone for months. Not the novel, nothing. But that's not a bad thing. I just wanted to take my time to be sure of what I really wanted to strive for.
Serious fiction or comedy? Such agony. I loved both genres equally. But what did I want to be known for?
In the last few months, I ran various chunky slices of these different fiction here for readers. To complicate matters, both went down equally well.
So my mind still brews intensely on that aspect. I won't send anything out till I'm sure.
For now, I have my stage play. I'll complete that first of all.
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