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Location: Dublin, Republic of, Ireland

Thursday 31 January 2008

I haven't been posting as enthusiastically as I should. My writing life took a downturn when I had some very disappointing news recently. Just before that, I had sprained my left shoulder. However, everything is well now.
I'm back to my cheery self and I just need to settle into the familiar routine that I had been thrown off, in the last few days.
This morning when I woke up, the sun shone brightly and had crept in boldly through the windows. Of course, it stays bitterly cold outside but I thought only of how beautiful my flowers looked on the ledge. The winds are strong and the news has warned to expect snowfalls. The Irish sea rages on.
I had wanted to make trips to the coast; I could take a train down south or up north and be facing the sea in a half hour. The wintry weather will last through the weekend. I am also planning another trip to Belfast.
But I want to write and send off some manuscripts before that - an area that has suffered greatly although I managed to finish a picture book.
I have been reading intensely though.
I have just finished listening to a cheerful ballet and will go downtown in a minute. It is a Thursday, a day of fun when the shops are all opened till very late.

(more later)