A snippet I contributed to the Guardian Book Blog as to if the word blog should be banned since Ms.Wintour has disallowed it from the Vogue website

Yes, I so agree with Ms.Wintour and have guiltily thought very much along the same lines. I love my blog to bits but wish it claimed a stylish identity - say...something a little more catwalk-ish or sunglassy. I'm sure it doesn't help matters that I myself worked as a fashion journalist.
I suppose to this effect, we each become something of a leggy, sorry I mean, bloggy snob. :-)
I remember a blogger who referred to her blog as a displaced journal, when all she penned were the usual posts. And I thought how romantic, as if she could have been writing from somewhere as exotic or forbidden as the Suez Canal.
Right now, when someone says they're back blogging, it could be logging or back on the blogs to mean back on the docks. It all feels like yesterday's clogs. :-) - susan abraham
Picture credit: Zan's Free Fashion Clip Art
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