Sending Requested Chapters for the
Novel (Romantic)
I have troubling converting my doc. file into the required format {for the 3 chapters of the romantic novel, as per request. It is a special format, rarely requested. In fact, I am completely ignorant on the subject.
I reply carefully, with a small troubled note.
The echoing tone of my tragic words, reminds the receipient {in this case, said editor from prospective publisher} that my dignity is visibly damaged.
The echoing tone of my tragic words, reminds the receipient {in this case, said editor from prospective publisher} that my dignity is visibly damaged.
It's like saying, "Teacher, I completed a fantastic assignment for homework but my sheet got half-torn."
The pupil bent on good intentions, suddenly turns victim, scratches its head worriedly and pronounces a befuddled expression at life's haphazard offerings. The longsuffering teacher retorts appropriately with a heavy sigh...
Said editor is unexpectedly kind.
And I daresay, amused at my sudden stupidity.
And I daresay, amused at my sudden stupidity.
"Susan..." the tone of her words are beautifully patient, even maternal.She explains kindly how the simple, basic rules work.
And then as if struck by an inate wisdom {I picture her shaking her head}, she stops to add this liner. "Don't worry about it, in any case. Just send the file whatever way you like and I'll still be happy to read it."
From all the way in the States, I catch the sweet sharp sigh of resignation.
Then by the miraculous power of the keyboard and a new acquaintainship fast forming on the foundation of my absent-mindedness, I sit and weep.
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