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Location: Dublin, Republic of, Ireland

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Short 'n Delicious for Little Hut of Leaping Fishes

by Suzan Abrams in Dublin

In the present issue of New Books, a specialist reading group magazine that features super exclusive author interviews and publishes extracts of featured books, reviewer Linda Leatherbrow gives Glasgow-based Malaysian novelist's Chiew Siah-Tei's first novel, Little Hut of Leaping Fishes, a thumbs-up in her regular Hot off the Press column. Leatherbrow describes Chiew's story as ".... vividly evoked in fresh and exuberant prose..." amongst other things that also includes a never-wavering pace."
I caught this by chance when I purchased the magazine in London recently.
New Books is published in Winchester, England and currently headed by Elsbeth Lindner, its Editor-in-Chief.
The magazine doesn't control a comprehensive website as such - you need to subscribe to issues to be able to read it. For tempting previews and ordering details, please go to New Books.

My earlier review of Little Hut of Leaping Fishes may be found HERE.

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