Something about me (Part 2)

I had not written anything creatively for six years after a break of having had radio plays aired and articles published about the place. Also, some poetry printed in small press magazines in England at the time of my radio plays being aired. Then I worked as a fashion journalist. This was followed by some world travelling and professional writing.
In 2006, I opened a blog for a renewed experimentation of story-writing. Later with a regained confidence, I felt the blog for that specific phase in my life had achieved its purpose and I closed it. Besides, for several severe months afterwards, I was drawn into resolving personal issues in Malaysia. There was no time or energy to travel, read or write anything.
Last September, I got my life back again, so to speak. I returned to Europe and recovered my long-lost love for reading. Now in Dublin, the way has been prepared for me again spiritually - if one may put it so congenially - to write and to perform this exhilarating occupation full-time.
A few days ago, after much dilly-dallying , I wrote and sent an article to a magazine editor after about a year and a half. Now, that was a big accomplishment for me. Yesterday, I recovered the material for a picture book manuscript I thought I had lost. That's how I operate unfortunately.
Today, I'm sending it off as well. This is how I used to be; the compulsion to write various things, measured against the forgetfulness of night and day. I'm glad that I've not lost the enthusiasm and ability. Because this says to me that I'm a writer first and a blogger second. And that I'm back in circulation...the long-lost writer found again.
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