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Location: Dublin, Republic of, Ireland

Sunday, 4 February 2007

My theatre play & writing it that is so precious

I am writing my full-length evening play. This was one of my main resolutions.
However, this is a serious dinner theatre play and not a comedy monologue.

So at least, I've got started on reading the world classics & the writing of my play. I am already 2 polished scenes into the play.

I spent a long time with the characters in my head. I listened to several recorded plays and studied the format. I did try to write one at 20 but that script has long gone missing.

In writing my play:

b) It's productive and constructive writing but very painful.
c) I find the formatting of props, description of voice tones and scenes personally the most painful.
d) Dialogue can run smoothly but suddenly brandishes itself into a corner. Cannot be clumsy or messy.
e) Because of the tedious details, my back hurts like anything.
f) Too early as yet to fall in love with my characters. Just getting to know them.
g) I've filled in my Zukotu word meter today which is 2,703 out of 24,000 words.

I've got 3 good-looking men out of 5 characters.
At first, I thought just one handsome actor would be nice. And then no, 2 handsome actors to equal the balance.
And then I thought destiny is too short, I'll have 3 good looking men!