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Saturday 20 January 2007

Pablo Neruda

Think a clandestine moment between 2 lovers, a longing for crystal balls and fiery suns, a pre-Raphelite existence or a Rennaisance awakening; splendidly tailored into its handsome approach.

Here is a classic book featuring Chilean poet and Nobel Laureate master Pablo Neruda's 20 poems and a song of despair, all of which stretch sensuality to its deepest core before emotions are catapulted skywards, bearing applause and a drumroll.
Heartstrings resound like an orchestra, to captivate lovers in the night-time. - susan abraham

Here then lie excerpts:

From Your Breast is Enough

"Your breast is enough for my heart
and my wings for your freedom
What was sleeping above your soul will rise
out of my mouth to heaven...
...you gather things to you like an old road
you are peopled with echoes and nostalgic voices
I awoke and at times birds fled and migrated
that had been sleeping in your soul."

Or would you like White Bee perhaps...

"...let your deep eyes close, then the night flutters
Ah your body. A frightened statue, naked.
...you have deep eyes in which the night flails
cool arms of flowers and a lap of rose
your breasts seem like white snails
A butterfly of shadow has come to sleep on your body
Ah, you who are silent."
