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Location: Dublin, Republic of, Ireland

Wednesday, 27 December 2006

My friends...my friends....

Hello everyone,

I'll think of a post to write later that is a proper Susan Abraham post.
Thank you so much for your seasonal greetings and festive cheer. I've answered you already in the comment box. I so enjoyed reading what you all had to say.

The thing is....
I couldn't get into the internet at all today and the connection's only just come.
Then I see the news that a powerful earthquake rocked Taiwan and disrupted telecommunications & internet facilities all over Asia. Of this, Hong Kong, Malaysia & Singapore were the worst hit.
Normalcy was expected to return only in 3 weeks.
I feel very thankful that I managed to get my internet facility back tonight.
My google email account is in Mandarin and I was wondering what on earth...
now I know.

This is so sad. Why do major calamities tend to threaten Asia before the year ends? 2 years ago, it was the Tsunami.
Let's hope the internet will be here tomorrow for me when I wake up. Tonight, I'm one of the lucky ones. I have to check the earthquake out now.

Please give me time to settle down and catch up on all my visits. Love you.